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Our Pilates Classes

Pilates classes for every body

At Studio Lifewave we get our clients moving through our fun workouts that are constantly evolving and challenging while maintaining a strong focus on form and connectivity between mind and body.


We help our clients fall in love with moving their bodies and staying consistent in their practise.

Whether you are after a gentle Mat-Work class, an X-TENDED Reformer class or a quick X-PRESS Reformer session to get your sweat up, we have the Pilates class for you.


Reformer X-TENDED Pilates & R45

Reformer X-TENDED Pilates blends controlled, dynamic, functional movements and core-targeted flows to build strength and flexibility whilst utilising the resistance from the machine.


The machine will get you into the correct alignment and will challenge your pilates exercise with the springs, straps and foot bar!


Be prepared to work hard, move in every plane, have fun, be challenged, and leave empowered!



Reformer X-PRESS Pilates

Seeking a quickie? This is your class!


Get in and get it done with a 30 minute

Reformer X-PRESS session. Reformer X-PRESS classes are fast-paced and dynamic to get your full body workout in a shorter amount of time.


Reformer X-PRESS is recommended for clients who have taken Reformer X-TENDED classes with us before, as this class moves quicker with less time to explain and more time to sweat, burn, strengthen, and tone!


“The man who uses intelligence with respect to his diet, his sleeping habits and who exerc

Mat-Work Pilates

Mat-work classes are your everyday go-to Pilates flow. Lifewave Mat-Work is perfect for your first time or as often as you’d like for a complete and guided experience in our basic interval class concept. 


In this class we strip it all back to the Pilates foundations to help you lengthen, align and sculpt. We take time in these classes to focus on technique and breathing.


You’ll leave this low impact traditional Mat-work Pilates class feeling connected within your body. relaxed within your mind, and a pleasant burn from head to toe.


Circuit Pilates

Circuit Pilates is a 40 minute circuit using all the different types of Pilates equipment we have in the studio along with props and functional body exercises.


Each station is 70-90 seconds with a small rest period between each exercise. This is a fun class taken at a much faster pace than regular Pilates class but with no compromise on form or Pilates principles.


Get ready to activate all your muscle groups and rev up your metabolism in this fun and energising class.


Join us today!

Take a look at our membership, check out the current timetable and book yourself into a class today!

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SCULPT Reformer


Get ready for a blend of Pilates, ballet, and fitness in one dynamic workout.


This full-body routine uses the Barre and Reformer Jump Board to target your arms, legs, glutes, and core.


Barre is a high-intensity, low-impact workout incorporating Pilates exercises, light weights, and brief cardio sessions. Y


ou might even unleash your inner ballet dancer as you hear terms like ‘plié’ and ‘arabesque.’


These classes are suitable for all fitness levels.”

HiiT Pilates

Our fun, fast paced and upbeat class combines Pilates principles with a cardio workout to offer you one of the best workouts to tone, trim and burn.


HiiT Pilates (High Intensity Interval Training) will have you getting your heart rate up, burning more fat in less time with intense bursts of exercise, followed by short recovery periods. 


Reformer Fusion

Join us for a 45-minute  Yoga fusion class on the Reformer.


This class is designed to release tension in your body, lengthen tight muscles, and improve flexibility and balance.


A blend of Reformer Pilates exercises with Yoga, our specialised Reformer Fusion class will have you leaving each session feeling energised and more limber.


This form of workout is designed to provide a comprehensive full-body exercise routine.


EVERY BODY and MIND can benefit greatly from Reformer Fusion Pilates.

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